The Students’ Representation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering’s (hungarian abbreviation: GHK) aim is to represent the international students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, by providing academic support, enforcing the Code of Studies, providing a platform for voicing ideas and concerns and promoting social engagement.
The purpose is to build a strong, supportive community where everyone feels heard and appreciated. We intend to provide an organized platform in the interest of developing better communication between students and professors and a guide to help students of each generation, with special attention to the newcomers.

Norbert Agócs
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Gergő Kelle
vice president
in charge of student affairs
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Imre Lévai
Delegated to the Students Union of the University
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Mátyás Horváth
in charge of finance
in charge of Event Commitee
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Milán Nemoda
in charge of Dormitory Commitee
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Zsolt Szász
in charge of scholarship
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Zoltán Tóth
in charge of access and equity
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Nóra Szrogh
in charge of foreign affairs
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Viola Peti
in charge of Student Organisations
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Anna Allacher
in charge of finance
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Dániel Bugyi
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Csilla Mihály
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The representatives in alphabetic order
Agócs Norbert
Allacher Anna
Babai András
Beyer-Dóczy András
Bugyi Dániel
Horváth Mátyás
Kelle Gergő
Kesjár Andor
Láng Dorottya
Lévai Imre
Madarász Tamás
Mihály Csilla
Németh Botond
Nemoda Milán
Nyilas Zoltán
Papp Bercel
Péter Nóra
Peti Viola
Szász Zsolt
Szrogh Nóra
Tóth Zoltán
Takács Donát (PhD)